February 23, 2016
NCAA Division 2 Requirements

NCAA Division 2 Requirements
Becoming A Student Athlete In NCAA Division 2
Here’s What You Need To Know.
All NCAA divisions have academic requirements that need to be met in order for a student-athlete to be eligible to participate. Succeeding in college, being a good athlete and taking your sport to the next level all starts with a good foundation being built throughout your high school career. Start planning early, don’t be scared to talk to your counselor and make sure that you are aware of and completing the required NCAA Core Courses.
NCAA Division 2 institutions require student-athletes to complete certain core requirements in order to prepare them for the academic expectations of college. Keep in mind that not all high school classes are considered to be NCAA core courses. NCAA Division 2 core courses include:
- English; English 1-4, American Literature, Creative Writing
- Math: Algebra 103, Geometry, Statistics
- Natural of Physical Science: Biology, Chemistry, Physics
- Social Science: American History, Civics, Government
- Misc: Comparative Religion, Spanish 1-4.
To be eligible to participate at the Division II level, student-athletes must graduate from high school with the following 16 core courses:
- 3 years of English
- 2 years of math (Algebra I or higher)
- 2 years of natural/physical science (1 year of lab if offered by high school)
- 3 years of additional English, math or natural/physical science
- 2 years of social science
- 4 years of additional courses (from any area above, foreign language or comparative religion/philosophy)
To play NCAA Division 2 sports, student athletes must show success academically. In order to qualify, all student-athletes must first graduate from high school by earning the minimum required number of courses, maintaining the required minimum grade point average of 2.20 in their NCAA Core Courses and achieve the corresponding required test score matching your core-course GPA as per the sliding scale.
For NCAA Division 2 eligibility purposes only NCAA approved courses will be used for the GPA calculation and only the critical reading and math portions of the SAT will be considered for eligibility purposes. As mentioned before a sliding scale is used to match Core Course GPA’s and test scores. For more information on the NCAA visit NCAA.org.
To view and print your high school’s list of NCAA courses visit EligibilityCenter.com, click the NCAA College Bound Student-Athlete link followed by the “Resources” tab and select “U.S. Students”.
*Remember; Meeting NCAA Division 2 academic requirements does not guarantee your admission to college. You must apply for college admission.
Tags: Division II, ncaa, scoutlete, Student-Athlete