March 18, 2016

In The Know: What Is The CIS

The CIS, or Canadian Interuniversity Sport, is Canada’s national governing body for university sports. The CIS is made up of a large portion of the degree granting universities located in Canada totaling 55 academic institutions. Over 11,000 students and 700 coaches are involved in CIS sports each year competing for 21 national championships in 12 different sports. It is worth noting that Canadian colleges have their own governing body; the CCAA or Canadian Colleges Athletic Association.

The CIS is composed of four regional associations, or conferences: The CWUAA or Canada West Universities Athletic Association, the OUS or Ontario University Athletics, the RSEQ or Reseau Du Sport Etudiant Du Quebec and the AUS or Atlantic University Sport. For a list of all 55 participating universities and their corresponding associations click HERE.

In order to be eligible to play in the CIS a Student-Athlete entering directly into University from high school or CEGEP must present a minimum 60% average (or equivalent) on all courses used to determine admission. In order to maintain eligibility to play on a CIS team Student-Athletes must be enrolled in full-time studies (minimum of 9 credits) in the term in which they are competing and successfully complete a minimum 18 credits during the academic year. Student-Athletes may be eligible to compete in a maximum of 5 years of Canadian Interuniversity Sport. It is worth noting that once a Student-Athletes eligibility has been used in another jurisdiction they are no long eligible to participate in CIS sports. Furthermore, should a Student-Athlete use four separate years of eligibility in a non-Canadian jurisdiction they will no longer be eligible to participate in CIS competition. 

Many CIS teams may offer athletic scholarships, or athletic financial rewards, for competing Student-Athletes. These scholarships may include, but are not limited to, scholarships, bursaries, housing, prizes, various awards or other non-employment financial benefits. Many of these are conditional on academic success as well as athletic performance and it is important to place a strong emphasis on academic performance as well as athletic performance. Worth noting is that the maximum receivable amount may not surpass the tuition and compulsory fees in any given academic year. Various institutions implement their own regulations regarding the eligibility requirements for scholarships and awards and it is possible that a Student-Athlete may be eligible to compete, but not to receive financial rewards.

Unlike some other university/college athletic associations there are few restrictions placed on Student-Athletes when it comes to when and who they may contact. Unless a Student-Athlete has already signed a letter of intent, or is already a CIS Student-Athlete, there are no restrictions on who they may contact. Much the same, unless a Student-Athlete has already signed a letter of intent, or is already a CIS Student-Athlete, there are no restrictions on who may contact them. If a Letter of Intent has already been signed the Student-Athlete is prohibited from initiating or responding to contact with other institutions for the purpose of competing for them. Furthermore, recruiting blackouts are limited to football and are in place from December 23rd to January 2nd inclusively, as well as within 5 days prior to the start of the CIS East West All Star game and 1 day following its completion.

For more information on eligibility, transfer students, scholarships or doping policies please click HERE where the CIS’s website can be found in both English and French.

Scoutlete Athletic Recruiting Network

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